Driving Too Fast Can Mean More than a Ticket
Consider a very plausible situation: you are driving back from a long road trip and you are very anxious to get home. Traffic has been rather congested for much of the trip, so your car’s cruise control has not been of much use. Finally, the road opens up in front of you and you accelerate without paying too much attention to the speedometer. Without warning, the flashing strobes of a police cruiser are behind you indicating that you need to pull over. The officer approaches your window and informs you that were traveling at 85 mph in a 55 mph zone. Just that quickly, your life could change, as such a violation may result in criminal prosecution for aggravated speeding.
Very few drivers consider speeding to be that big of a deal. Of course, you probably realize that a speeding ticket can lead to fines, points on your driver’s license, and possibly an increase in your insurance premiums. Beyond that, though, it can certainly feel like more of a nuisance than anything else.
While exceeding the speed limit by five or ten miles per hour, in most cases, is probably a cause for major concern, aggravated speeding is an entirely different situation. Illinois law provides that drivers who exceed a posted speed limit by 26 mph or more may be prosecuted in a criminal court proceeding. That is much more serious than points on your license or an insurance rate hike.
Drivers who are found to be exceeding the speed by limit by 26 mph or more but less than 35 mph may be charged with a Class B misdemeanor. Maximum penalties could include up to six months in prison, two years of probation, and $1,500 in fines. Those who exceed a posted speed limit by 35 mph or more may be subject to Class A misdemeanor charges, punishable by up to one year in jail, two years of probation, and fines of $2,500.
As with any criminal charge, a conviction will remain on your record permanently. This could potentially impact future employment, educational, and personal opportunities. Fortunately, you may have options, especially if you have never been charged with a crime before and a qualified lawyer can help.
If you are facing charges for aggravated speeding, or any other traffic violations, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Elgin, Illinois. At the The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola, we are committed to working with you in protecting your future and minimizing the negative impact of criminal charges. Call 847-488-0889 to schedule a free confidential consultation today at put our knowledgeable team on your side.