Are There Any Laws That Provide Governmental Oversight for Firearms Dealers in Illinois?
It is still legal to own a firearm in Illinois, but it is essential to know how Illinois gun laws are changing to avoid any gun charges. In a recent effort to curb shootings, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed a new gun control law that provides more regulation for firearms dealers. The specifics of the law have widespread ramifications. If you face weapons charges for unlawful possession or use of a firearm, speak with a criminal defense attorney in your area as soon as you can.
2019 Firearms Dealer Regulation Legislation
Very early in Governor J.B. Pritzker’s tenure, he signed a bill into law that provided more oversight for Illinois firearms dealers. This was intended to be the first step of many towards more rigorous gun control in Illinois. The legislation that passed made it illegal for any retailer to sell weapons without certification from the state. Any weapons dealer intending to legally sell firearms under the new law would need a license from the Federal Burea of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Also, retailers must provide a copy of their license to the Illinois State Police. To top it off, all dealers must maintain a detailed electronic inventory, require all employees to undergo training annually, and have surveillance and anti-theft equipment throughout their store.
For a store to receive a certification, they must pay a fee of no more than $1,500. If a seller does not have a physical retail location, they must pay $300.
The rationale behind this legislation is that although there is federal regulation over the sale of firearms, proponents of the bill argue that federal regulators do not have the resources to monitor every seller in Illinois as thoroughly as state agencies can. An essential goal for regulators is to not just prevent illegal gun purchases but to avoid straw purchases, where someone buys a gun from someone who would not be able to do so legally.
In theory, Illinois gun control efforts may progress over the next few years. Stay abreast of any changes so that you do not find yourself possessing a weapon illegally.
Contact an Elgin, IL Criminal Defense Attorney
Convictions for weapons charges span over a range of punishments. Regardless of the charges you face, you stand a better chance at decreasing or eliminating them by working with an Elgin, IL criminal defense attorney. Call The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola to learn more about how an experienced attorney can help you prepare your defense. To schedule a free consultation, call today at 847-488-0889.