Can You Get Arrested for Driving Recklessly While Wearing a Mask in Illinois?
Of all the traffic violations you might face in Illinois, reckless driving is one of the most severe since it can lead to a Class A misdemeanor, requiring you to pay up to $2,500 in fines and to spend up to a whole year in jail. In addition, reckless driving charges might also include other charges, such as DUI. The purpose of laws like those surrounding reckless driving is to keep the roads safe for all motorists and pedestrians. So, what happens when you think you are keeping people safe by wearing a mask due to COVID-19 despite operating a motor vehicle? Doing this brings with it a host of problematic scenarios illustrated here.
Why Wearing a Mask While Driving Could Get You Pulled Over
As difficult as it might be to believe, people have gotten into car accidents while wearing masks as of late due to the pandemic. In many of those cases, the safety of the driver was the greatest concern as it seemed the mask might have triggered a health problem. But that does not mean that there is no possibility you might get pulled over for driving recklessly if you are wearing a mask. Here are some of the ways a mask can interfere with your driving and cause you to seemingly drive recklessly:
- Obstruction of Vision—Medical experts agree that the placement of certain masks on the face can obstruct your vision, especially while driving. What is more, if you wear glasses, the lenses inside your frames could fog up, creating even more serious issues for your line of sight. And do not get other officials focused on public safety started on the subtle concerns of hanging that mask from your mirror, right in the center of your line of sight through the windshield. It could be an accident waiting to happen. Such obstructions are the equivalent of texting while driving in terms of how they can prevent you from keeping your eyes on the road.
- Breathing Issues—If your mask is causing you to struggle to breathe, then you might lose consciousness or become lightheaded enough not to drive your vehicle properly. In many cases, this can be viewed by the arresting officer as the equivalent of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
- Aggravation of Other Medical Problems—If you already have a heart problem or another medical condition that causes breathing issues, then wearing a mask while driving can further aggravate your condition. Even the anxiety of wearing something on your face can force people to adapt their driving in reckless ways that make the road unsafe for other drivers—and even lead to serious complications for your own health.
For these reasons, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you not wear a mask while driving. It could lead to an accident, and it could certainly cause you to be issued a traffic violation.
Contact a Kane County Traffic Violation Attorney
Mask or no mask, if you are trying to deal with a traffic violation, you should give an Aurora IL reckless driving lawyer a call at 847-488-0889 for a free consultation. The talented team at the Law Offices of Brian J. Mirandola can guide you through the charges and give you the representation you need to overcome that traffic violation.