Be Thorough When Choosing a Defense Attorney
When you are up against a criminal charge, the attorney you hire can have a massive impact on the outcome of your case. So, knowing this, how do you choose? How do you ensure, beyond all doubt, that your criminal defense attorney will represent you effectively and protect your interests? It all starts with performing your due diligence. Of course, the decision is always up to you, but following information may be able to help you find the attorney that is most suited to your specific needs.
Hire the Right Type of Lawyer
First thing is first: it is important that you hire an attorney who has experience with your particular situation. As an example, hiring an attorney who works only on divorce or immigration issues when you are facing drunk driving charges is probably a poor choice. Instead, turn to an attorney who has extensive knowledge and experience with sensitive criminal matters. These attorneys are more likely to recognize and plan for the unique challenges that may arise in your case.
Determine Competency to the Best of Your Abilities
Unless you have a degree in law, it may be a little difficult to discern for certain whether or not your prospective attorney is competent. However, you may feel as though something is "off." For example, if it feels as though your attorney is sidestepping your questions or having difficulty explaining things in a way that you can understand, he or she may not know the answer. Likewise, if they are unable to effectively communicate with you—which also requires listening on their part--they may not be as well-versed in the law as you would like.
Also, do your homework. Research the attorney’s reputation and where they went to school. Look at their overall background. Have they won any specific awards? Are they affiliated with the local, state, or national bar association or other legal organization? Do they participate in community action and serve as an advocate for more than just their clients? None of this can give you a complete answer, but your gut instinct is often correct. In a matter as serious as this, it is often best to err on the side of caution.
Let Us Help
At The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola, we understand that the attorney you choose when facing a criminal matter is important. We welcome your questions and will work with you in determining if we are the right legal team for your case. To learn more, contact an experienced Elgin criminal defense attorney today. Call 847-488-0889 for a free consultation.