Criminal Charges for Driving With a Suspended License
Every day, countless Illinois residents face the loss of their driving privileges due to driving with a suspended or revoked license. This is a serious consequence and inconvenience for nearly everyone. If you drive and own a vehicle, you likely depend on that vehicle to be a reliable mode of transportation to get you to and from work so that you are able to provide for yourself and your family.
Unless you are fortunate enough to work within walking distance to your place of employment or have access to an efficient public transportation system, your driving privileges allow you to maintain your livelihood. Even minor oversights or infractions can actually lead to the loss of your license, putting that livelihood at risk. To make matters worse, if you make the decision to drive once your license has been taken away and you are caught, criminal charges can ensue.
Actions that Can Lead to License Suspension
Tollway, Traffic, and Parking Violations - All too often, a driver discovers their right to drive has been taken away, and they are downright baffled as to why they suddenly face such a serious penalty. It is easy to leave those traffic tickets in a drawer and to procrastinate paying the associated fines, or to forget about them entirely. If you have been issued ten or more parking violations and have not settled the penalty fees, a license suspension can be put into effect at the request of a parking authority, and it may require an additional reinstatement fee to clear this kind of suspension. The same goes for unpaid tollway and other traffic violations. If you fail to pay for five or more, your license can be suspended until the fines are paid and the violations are resolved.
Driving Under the Influence - This is perhaps one of the first things most drivers think of when they think of having their license suspended, and it is certainly one of the most serious causes for losing your driving privileges. In Illinois, if you are caught driving with a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher, are found to be under the influence of any illegal substance, or are impaired by a medication, you face immediate driver’s license suspension. On top of standard DUI charges, if you then attempt to drive again without authorization on a suspended license, you will face additional criminal charges.
Failure to Pay Child Support - The state takes child support obligations seriously. If you owe child support and fail to make the required payments, the state has the right to take your driving privileges away under the Family Financial Responsibility Act, also referred to as the "Deadbeats Don’t Drive" measure. This measure allows Illinois courts authority to take extreme action against any parent who neglects to pay three or more months of court-ordered child support payments.
Losing your driving privileges can be the beginning of a long, costly road. If you are facing criminal charges for driving with a revoked or suspended license, you need to speak with an Elgin criminal defense attorney who can guide you and help protect your rights. Call 847-488-0889 today for a free consultation at The The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola.