Fighting Felony Charges in Illinois
Facing felony charges comes with significant stress and uncertainty. In all reality, it is important to act quickly after the initial arrest. With an aggressive and comprehensive legal strategy, it is possible you could secure a lesser charge, or avoid a conviction altogether. In Illinois, a felony charge can carry substantial jail time and devastating fines. Immediately after your arrest, it is critical to seek the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney who you can believe in.
Common Illinois Felonies
Here in the state of Illinois, even a Class 4 felony (the lowest of Illinois' felonies) can bring up to $25,000 in fines and as many as three years in prison. Listed below are some of the most common felonies committed throughout the state:
Aggravated DUI: According to Illinois state law, a drinking and driving arrest can be elevated to an aggravated DUI in a number of situations. If a person is convicted of a third or any subsequent DUIs, they will likely face Class 2 felony charges. Other aggravating factors include driving under the influence without a valid driver’s license, while transporting a child, or causing bodily harm to another party.
Drug Crimes: When facing a drug charge in the state of Illinois, the severity of the charges depend on the type of substance and the quantity. Displayed within 720 ILCS 570/402, possession of drugs such as heroin or cocaine constitute a felony charge, for any amount. If you are found with less than 1 gram, you will likely face a Class 4 felony charge. As the quantity increases, the legal severity does as well. If you are apprehended with an excess of 15 grams of either heroin or cocaine, you could face as many as 15 years in prison. For more information on the implications of a felony drug charge, speak with a legal professional.
Other Felony Crimes: A felony charge can dramatically impact the rest of your life. From difficulty securing employment or residential opportunities to substantial fines and possible jail time, an arrest of such magnitude should not be taken lightly. Other common felonies committed throughout the state of Illinois include burglary, motor vehicle theft, and forgery. In the event of an arrest, seek out legal assistance immediately.
Contact an Elgin, IL Felony Defense Lawyer
With years of legal experience within the state of Illinois, Attorney Brian J. Mirandola relentlessly represents his clients in order to secure the best possible legal outcome. Through consultation regarding the arrest and the development of a precise strategy, a skilled attorney can help you secure a reduction of charges or complete dismissal. To schedule your free consultation with an experienced Kane County criminal defense attorney, contact us today at 847-488-0889.