How to Handle an Aggressive or Confrontational Encounter With the Police
While the majority of police officers are good and decent human beings, police brutality, aggression, and confrontational behavior does exist. Knowing how to handle such situations, should you ever experience it, is critical. In fact, in some situations, it could even save your life. At the very least, an understanding of your Constitutional rights and thoughtful action could help mitigate the risk of a wrongful arrest, wrongfully filed charges, and wrongful conviction.
Understanding Your Risk
Anyone can be victim of police brutality or aggression, but certain groups are at an increased risk. For example, African American males are three times more likely to be killed by an officer of the law than any other race and gender combination. Further compounding this issue is the reality that African American men are much more likely to be stopped by a police officer than other groups. Therefor, it is critical that they, above all others, understand how they can attempt to deescalate a situation and protect their rights.
Protecting Your Rights and Safety
Dealing with an aggressive or confrontational police officer can be a frightening and traumatic experience. However, it is critical that you maintain calm, no matter how difficult it may be to do so. Any aggressive action on your part can escalate the issue even further. Regardless of what happens or how bad things get, be polite, do not engage, and speak as little as possible (this is especially important since officers are legally allowed to lie to you and attempt to manipulate you into incriminating yourself). Politely but directly, refuse to answer questions without an attorney present. If an officer continues to push you for answers, continue to restate your refusal reasonably and insist on waiting for an attorney.
If you find yourself in a situation where the officer will not let you go, politely ask him or her if you are being detained. If the answer is no, thank the officer and walk away. If you are being detained, then let the officer know that you are getting your identification, do so slowly, and then hand it over without making quick or sudden movements. Stay quiet and do not speak while the officer is reading your rights, then be sure to ask for an attorney. Once again, above all else, remain calm.
Contact a Kane County Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you or someone you love is facing criminal charges, it is important that you seek quality legal assistance. Backed by more than 20 years of experience, Attorney Brian J. Mirandola has the skills and knowledge needed to aggressively represent you in your case. We will protect your rights and pursue a favorable outcome for your situation. Contact an Elgin criminal defense attorney for a free consultation today.