How Does a Breath Alcohol Interlock Ignition Device (BAIID) Work?
Illinois law prohibits the operation of a motor vehicle while intoxicated by alcohol or drugs. Driving under the influence (DUI) penalties vary significantly depending on the circumstances of the alleged offense. A first-time DUI without aggravating circumstances is a Class A misdemeanor. If convicted, the offender may be sentenced to probation or community service instead of jail time. However, the penalties for DUI increase if there are aggravating circumstances like a child passenger, BAC over 0.16, or an accident resulting in serious injury or death. DUI penalties also increase with second and subsequent offenses. All DUI offenders face driver’s license revocation if they are convicted. In many DUI cases, a Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) is required for DUI offenders to regain full or partial driving privileges.
Breath Alcohol Testing
Breath alcohol tests are tests that measure a person’s intoxication level. The person blows into the device, and it shows his or her blood alcohol content. A BAIID works similarly to the breath tests police use during DUI stops. Once the BAIID is installed in a person’s vehicle, he or she must blow into the device and prove that he or she is not intoxicated to start the vehicle.
The typical BAC limit is 0.08 percent. However, the blood alcohol limit for a BAIID is much lower. If the device registers even a small amount of alcohol on the person’s breath, it will prevent the vehicle from starting. The vehicle will be "locked out" for a period of time. After the lockout period, the driver can try again.
BAIIDs Are Designed to Prevent Cheating
If you search "how to trick a BAIID" on the internet, you will get thousands of results. However, trying to cheat a BAIID is a terrible idea. The device cannot be tricked with mouthwash, drinking large amounts of water after consuming alcohol, or eating certain foods. Having a sober person blog into the device for you will not work either. Illinois BAIIDs are equipped with a camera that takes a picture of the person blowing into the device. Failed breath tests or attempts to tamper with the device can lead to additional time on your suspension or revocation period or even the vehicle being impounded.
Contact an Elgin Criminal Defense Lawyer
If you were arrested for drunk driving, contact the The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola for help. You may be able to regain your legal driving privileges by having a BAIID installed in your vehicle. Call Kane County DUI defense lawyer Brian J. Mirandola for help today at 847-488-0889.