How Texting While Driving Could Lead to License Suspensions
For many years, safety groups and even cell phone carriers themselves have been reminding drivers to put their phones down while behind the wheel. The public, it seems, is not heeding the warnings. Thanks to a recently-passed law, however, Illinois drivers who insist on using their cell phones illegally could ultimately have their driving privileges suspended, even for a first offense. If you have trouble with cell phone distractions while driving, it is important to know how your life could be affected.
Dismal Numbers
A recent survey conducted by State Farm suggests that attitudes regarding cell phone use while driving are quite casual and, in many cases, downright dangerous. More than 80 percent of the survey’s respondents acknowledged that talking on a hand-held phone while driving was dangerous, but half admitted to using a hand-held cell phone behind the wheel. A full 95 percent of participants said that texting while driving was distracting, but 35 percent text anyway.
In Illinois, it is illegal to use an electronic device such as a cell phone to send or receive messages or to browse the internet while driving. It is also illegal to talk on a cell phone without a hands-free device. The current penalty for a first-time offense is a $75 fine, and the offense is considered to be a non-moving violation, which means it does not go on the offender’s driving record. Repeat offenses are considered moving violations.
A New Approach
Last month, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner signed a measure that reclassifies first-time electronic device offenses as moving violations. The new law will go into effect on July 1, 2019. As a moving violation, a first-time offense for the illegal use of an electronic device could trigger a license suspension.
Under Illinois law, any driver convicted of three moving violations within a 12-month period will face an automatic suspension of their driving privileges. Drivers under the age of 21 will have their licenses suspended for two moving violation convictions in a 24-month period. The length of the suspension depends on the seriousness of the offenses—represented by a certain number of “points” on the driver’s record. A suspension can range from two months to one year. In extreme cases, the suspension can even become a revocation.
Has Your License Been Suspended?
If you have had your driving privileges suspended due to moving violations, an experienced Kane County license reinstatement attorney can help you explore your options for getting back on the road. Call 847-488-0889 for a free consultation The Law Offices of Brian J. Mirandola today.