How To Avoid a Domestic Violence Charge on Valentine’s Day
February 14 is meant as a day to show love, when you and a significant other can express it openly and often. It should not be a day for a domestic violence charge, subsequent arrest, and a night in jail. Even if no physical violence occurs, a heated argument can quickly lead to false accusations. To ensure you can keep a cool head and look to make it a positive night to remember, there are some things to keep in mind. Of course, if you are facing a domestic violence charge, a criminal defense attorney should be the first and only person you talk to.
Air Out Issues Before They Become A Problem
Do not allow lingering issues to build up over time so that they eventually boil over. Talk things over with your loved one about any annoyances, pet peeves, or anything you do not like or appreciate in the relationship. When things are out in the open between you it is a lot easier to fix them. Now you can go into Valentine’s Day with a better understanding of one another and hopefully avoid any additional problems from coming up. It will also help to avoid consuming alcohol when deciding to talk about things, as alcohol has a way of turning things from bad to worse.
Take Your Mind Off Past Issues and Be In The Moment
Even if there are a few lingering issues that have yet to be resolved, let them go for a night. It is not healthy to carry anger or resentment around with you. Take the night to remember why you love each other in the first place. If the relationship is new, take the time to get to know one another on a deeper level. If past issues are so prevalent that you cannot let them go, perhaps a break is in order. If one of these issues is so severe that it is relationship destroying or marriage ending, then a night out may not be the right move for either of you and you should be making divorce plans instead of Valentine’s Day plans.
Adjust and Compromise Where Necessary
New problems can arise at any moment. There is rarely a relationship that does not suffer some hardships. Whether it is losing a job when only one of you brings in an income or you forget the other person’s birthday, it should not define your entire relationship. Instead of arguing over every little thing, learn to adjust to the situation and make compromises when it makes sense. Heated arguments can take a turn for the worse and result in a battery or assault charge very easily. Remember that you cannot be right about everything and everything does not need to be your way. Understanding that compromise is built into every long-lasting relationship will help you avoid domestic complications that could lead to dire consequences in the future.
Contact a Kane County, IL Criminal Defense Attorney
Save yourself from an unnecessary arrest on Valentine’s Day by taking these tips to heart. If things do get out of hand and you find yourself facing charges of domestic violence, it may be time to contact an Aurora, IL domestic violence defense lawyer. Those from the The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola can assist you in your domestic legal matters and ensure your rights are defended. Contact the office at 847-488-0889 for a free consultation and a private discussion regarding your situation.