How to Get a Restricted Driving Permit in Illinois
Driver’s license suspension and revocation are typically only used after serious moving violations such as DUI charges, fleeing the scene of an accident that resulted in bodily injury, and various forms of overt reckless driving. If your license has been suspended or revoked, it is possible to receive a restricted driving permit (RDP) so you can go to work and accomplish other normal daily tasks.
To obtain a restricted driving permit, you want to enlist the help of a skilled legal professional who knows how to navigate the process with your best interests in mind.
Restricted Driving Permits in Illinois
Here in the state of Illinois, a restricted driving permit can only be obtained under specific conditions. First, those looking to get an RDP must prove a hardship exists, for instance, if you need a vehicle to get to and from work, or you cannot properly care for your children without driving privileges. Once you have established your need for the permit, you must submit proof of a professionally administered drug and alcohol evaluation, to ensure there is not a serious substance abuse issue that can impact your ability to live up to RDP terms.
After submission of the necessary paperwork, it is time to work with your attorney to prepare for your appearance before a hearing officer. This officer is appointed by the Illinois Secretary of State’s Department of Administrative Hearings. They will review your prior driving history to determine the likelihood that you are a risk for other travelers. If you have been convicted of multiple alcohol-related traffic violations, you must have a breath-alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) installed in your vehicle before obtaining your restricted driving permit. This device ensures a vehicle will not start until the driver passes a breathalyzer test.
Once you have received a restricted driving permit, it is critically important to follow all traffic rules and regulations. It is also crucial that you fully understand and follow the stipulations that allowed you to receive your RDP in the first place. For instance, if you are only allowed to drive to and from your place of employment, you could lose your driving privileges if you choose to operate your vehicle outside of those agreed-upon conditions.
Contact an Elgin Suspended License Lawyer
If you were charged with a violation that may cause license suspension or revocation, seek out a legal team you can believe in. Criminal defense lawyer Brian J. Mirandola has extensive experience helping clients get restricted driving permits and other allowances that let them maintain their normal lives. To set up a free consultation with a Kane County criminal defense attorney, contact us today at 847-488-0889.