The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola


47 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120


Illinois BAIID Program Can Get You Back on the Road

 Posted on September 25, 2015 in DUI

baiid, driving relief, Illinois DUI Defense AttorneyFollowing an arrest or a conviction on charges of driving under the influence (DUI), you will likely face at least some period of suspension or revocation of your driving privileges. Being unable to drive can have a profound impact on your ability to continue working, furthering your education, or providing for your children. The state of Illinois, while continuing to take harsh stance against drunk driving, recognizes that, in some situations, getting you back on the road is necessary and offers several relief programs depending on your particular case. Each of them, however, requires the use of a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID), designed to prevent the occurrence of a subsequent DUI charge.

What is a BAIID?

A breath alcohol ignition interlock device, or BAIID, is essentially a personal breathalyzer. When required, the BAIID is installed in your vehicle, allowing it to control the car’s electrical systems and the ignition switch in particular. Once installed, the device will prevent your car from being started until you provide a breath sample to be analyzed for alcohol content. If your calculated blood alcohol content (BAC) is above a certain level—usually .025 percent—the vehicle cannot be started. The BAIID is also equipped with a camera to ensure the person giving the sample is also the driver. During operation of the car, the device may also require period re-checks, requiring you to pull over and provide an additional breath sample. All data collected by the device is submitted to the Office of the Secretary of State for review, and violations are subject in increased suspensions and possible expulsion from the program.

Who Must Use a BAIID?

The use of BAIID devices is most common for first-time DUI offenders during the statutory summary suspension for failing or refusing a BAC test. Such offenders are generally eligible for driving relief with a MDDP, or Monitoring Device Driving Permit, which requires a BAIID to be installed. In addition, any repeat DUI offender seeking to obtain a Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) will also be required to install and use a BAIID for as long as the RDP is granted. A repeat offender must also continue to use the BAIID for a full year following the reinstatement of his or her driver’s license. There are a few other situations in which a BAIID may be mandatory, but they are much less common.

If you have been charged with DUI in Illinois, you need an advocate that will fight to protect your future. Contact an experienced Kane County criminal defense attorney at the The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola. We will review your case, your driving history, and your needs to help you find the relief solution that works for you, while building an aggressive, responsible defense to any and all charges. Call 847-488-0889 for your free consultation today.


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