The MDDP Program Could Put You Back on the Road During Your License Suspension
Under Illinois law, there are a number of reasons for which your driver’s license could be suspended or revoked. You could lose your driving privileges for accumulating too many traffic violations, failing to appear in court, failing to pay child support, or using a fake ID. Each year, thousands of Illinois residents also have their licenses suspended or revoked as a result of a DUI conviction. Fortunately, a license suspension related to a DUI offense does not always mean that the driver must stay completely off the road. Thanks to a specific type of driving relief program, first-time DUI offenders are usually able to get back behind the wheel legally while their license is technically suspended.
Monitoring Device Driving Permit
The state of Illinois recognizes how important the ability to drive is for most individuals. Depending on where a person lives and works, a license suspension could make it nearly impossible for that person to get to and from their job and to provide for themselves and their families. While driving is a privilege and suspension is meant to be a punishment and a deterrent, it does not serve the public well to ruin an offender’s life over a one-time lapse in judgment.
That is why the state has instituted the Monitoring Device Driving Permit program, or MDDP. The MDDP gives first-time DUI offenders the opportunity to continue driving legally in spite of their ongoing license suspension. A person will generally be qualified and automatically enrolled in the MDDP program if he or she:
- Is at least 18 years old;
- Is a first-time DUI offender, meaning that he or she has not been found guilty of or given court supervision for a previous DUI charge;
- Has a valid driver’s license, not including the suspension in question;
- Has not had a previous statutory summary suspension for failing or refusing a blood alcohol content (BAC) test;
- Has not been convicted of DUI charge in any other state in the last five years.
A driver is not eligible for an MDDP if anyone was seriously hurt or killed as a result of the DUI in question or if the driver has a previous conviction for reckless homicide. Commercial driver’s license holders may apply for an MDDP, but the permit will not usually allow them to operate commercial vehicles.
The Monitoring Device
As part of the MDDP program, participating drivers must have a breath alcohol ignition interlock device (BAIID) installed on any vehicles they wish to drive. This is the “monitoring device” part of the equation. A BAIID requires the driver to provide a breath sample by blowing into the device before attempting to start the vehicle. If the device detects a BAC above a preset limit—usually 0.25—the car will not start.
The BAIID also snaps a picture of the person providing the sample to prevent cheating or attempts to fool the system. Participants must bring their devices to approved locations for periodic checks as well. Anyone caught trying to trick or tamper with the BAIID will likely be disqualified from the MDDP program.
Call Us for Help
If you are facing a DUI-related license suspension in Illinois, we can help. Contact a Kane County driver’s license reinstatement attorney to get the answers to your most pressing questions. Call 847-488-0889 and schedule a free consultation today.