Understanding Construction Zone Traffic Violations in Illinois
There are multiple ways that a driver may be charged with a traffic violation. In many cases, traffic tickets will result in fines, but a driver may also see their insurance rates increase, and multiple violations within one year could even result in the suspension or revocation of their driver’s license. Traffic violations that take place in construction zones can result in more serious penalties. Drivers will need to be sure to understand the laws that apply in these situations and their options for defending against these types of violations.
Types of Construction Zone Violations
Usually, when road construction is being performed, reduced speed limits will apply for drivers who are traveling through the work zone. These limits will remain in effect whether work is being performed in the construction area or not. Automated photo speed enforcement may be used in some construction zones, although it can only be active at times when workers are present.
A construction zone speeding violation will result in a minimum fine of $250 for a first offense and a minimum fine of $750 for a second offense and any subsequent violations. A second construction zone speeding violation will also result in a driver’s license suspension of 90 days.
A driver may face charges of aggravated speeding if they travel above the posted construction zone speed limit by at least 26 miles per hour. A person may be charged with a Class B misdemeanor for speeding 26 to 35 miles per hour over the speed limit, and if convicted, a person may be required to spend up to six months in prison and pay a maximum fine of $1,500. Speeding more than 35 miles per hour over the speed limit is a Class A misdemeanor, and if convicted, a person may be required to spend up to one year in prison and pay a maximum fine of $2,500.
Even if a driver is not speeding, they could be charged with a traffic violation if they do not drive safely in a construction zone. Drivers are required to use caution when entering a work zone, slow down to a safe speed, and yield to construction vehicles or people on foot who are performing road work. When possible, drivers should change lanes to leave the lane next to workers clear.
Drivers who violate the safe driving laws in a construction zone may face a minimum fine of $100. However, if a violation results in a collision that causes injuries or property damage, fines can increase to a maximum of $25,000. A person may also face criminal charges for striking a construction worker, and a conviction can result in a prison sentence of up to 14 years. In addition, a violation that results in property damage will result in a driver’s license suspension of 90 days to one year, causing injury to someone will result in a license suspension of 180 days to two years, and causing someone’s death will result in a two-year license suspension.
Contact Our Aurora Traffic Violation Attorney
While all types of traffic tickets can affect your ability to drive, construction zone violations carry even more serious consequences. The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola can provide you with legal representation as you address traffic violations, and we will work to ensure that you can maintain your driving privileges and avoid penalties whenever possible. Contact our Elgin construction zone traffic violation lawyer at 847-488-0889 to schedule a complimentary consultation.