The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola


47 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120


Young Drivers and Traffic Stops; Learning the Rules of the Road

 Posted on December 23, 2016 in Traffic violations

traffic stop, Elgin traffic violations attorneyBeing pulled over by police is a stressful experience for anyone, under any circumstances. The event can be especially nerve-wracking for young drivers who are often uninformed and unprepared to handle the situation. Young drivers are frequently pulled over by law enforcement on the roadways due to careless, distracted driving behaviors, such as texting and talking on the phone or interacting with other passengers. A traffic stop can quickly take a turn for the worst if the teen handles the situation poorly, which is why it is so important for every young driver to have a firm understanding of what to do when an officer directs them to the side of the road.

New Illinois Law Looks to Educate Teen Drivers

Whatever the reason for being pulled over, preventing an already tense situation from escalating is the number one concern for everyone involved. Many young drivers do not know how to act , highlighting the ongoing need to inform drivers about the proper way to handle a pull-over incident. Illinois lawmakers recently passed a measure that mandates that all driver’s education classes include a section on traffic stops for this very reason. The goal behind the law is to show teens the best way to respond and to keep problems during the interaction with police to a minimum.

The Basics

One of the best ways teens can ensure a pull-over interaction does not take an ugly turn is to observe a few simple steps when approached by an officer. Drivers should remain calm and keep their hands visible - preferably on the wheel. Many teens nervously rummage for their wallet or other identifying information as the officer approaches the vehicle, but searching through a bag or purse can actually send a red flag to the officer. Most importantly, the driver should cooperate with the officer’s requests. It is crucial to remain attentive, respectful, and cooperative throughout the entire interaction, as any argumentative behavior or actions that challenge or resist an officer’s direction will only make matters worse.

Should your teen find themselves in a difficult situation when pulled over by authorities, the next step is to consult with a knowledgeable traffic violations attorney in Elgin as soon as possible. Call The The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola at 847-488-0889 for a free consultation today.


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