Zero Tolerance for Underage Drinking and Driving in Illinois
As summer heats up, young people often find themselves enjoying newfound freedom, and that can include alcohol consumption and driving. Research shows that Illinois may have a significant underage drinking problem with nearly four percent of people under the age of 21 dying from excessive alcohol use. The zero-tolerance law has not only served as a deterrent for young drivers but it has also contributed significantly to the overall reduction of alcohol-related accidents and deaths involving minors.
Zero-Tolerance Law
Illinois, like many states across the United States, has adopted a zero-tolerance policy for drivers under the age of 21 who are caught with any amount of alcohol in their system while operating a vehicle. That means that even a minuscule blood alcohol concentration (BAC) can lead to serious legal consequences, regardless of whether it is evident or not that the underage driver is impaired.
Impact on Your Driver’s License
Underage drinking and the subsequent loss of a driver's license can be a harsh wake-up call for young people. Getting caught drinking and driving serves as a stark reminder that a single lapse in judgment can have far-reaching consequences that impact various aspects of your life. The legal consequences of underage drinking and driving in Illinois can be severe when it comes to your driving privileges.
A first offense can result in a driver's license suspension for a minimum of three months, along with mandatory participation in a Youthful Intoxicated Driver's Visitation Program. Subsequent offenses can lead to increased fines, extended license suspension, and even imprisonment.
Second-time offenders will lose their driver’s license for one year. If you refuse a BAC test your license will be suspended for six months if you are a first-time offender and for two years, if you are a second-time offender and refused a BAC test.
Other Legal Troubles
Convictions for underage drinking and driving can result in a permanent criminal record, which could negatively impact your future education, employment, and personal opportunities.
Getting caught driving under the influence as an underage driver can lead to significantly higher insurance premiums. The financial burden of insurance costs can have lasting effects on your financial stability.
Contact an Elgin, IL Underage Drinking Lawyer
If your child is facing underage drinking charges you need an experienced Kane County criminal defense attorney. At The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola we will work hard to minimize the impact of the charge on your child. Call 847-488-0889 for a free consultation.