The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola


47 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120


Types of Reckless Driving in Illinois

 Posted on February 21,2019 in Traffic violations

Elgin, IL Reckless Driving Ticket Lawyer

According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, nearly 1,100 people were killed in motor vehicle collisions statewide in 2017 while thousands of others suffered serious injuries. Due to the high number of traffic fatalities, Illinois law enforcement has increased surveillance and traffic tickets for reckless drivers. Reckless driving is defined as the act of overtly disregarding traffic laws and procedures while endangering oneself and others. If you have been cited for reckless driving charges, it is important to understand the potential consequences of a conviction. 

Common Forms of Reckless Driving 

A reckless driving charge can result in serious consequences. Listed below are some of the most common violations that constitute reckless driving charges.

Excessive Speeding

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), speeding plays a role in approximately 26 percent of annual fatal collisions throughout the United States. In 2017 alone, speeding took 9,717 American lives. Because of this, driving at excessive speeds, such as 20 mph over the legal limit, is considered reckless driving. 

Distracted Driving

Here in the state of Illinois, it is illegal to use a handheld cellular device while driving. According to state law, phone use (such as texting) constitutes a reckless driving charge. Texting while driving takes your eyes off the road and your hands off the wheel, so it should come as no surprise Illinois police officers are constantly on the lookout for distracted drivers. 

Endangering Others

In the end, a reckless driving charge can be given for a number of actions that endanger others on the road, including drivers, bike riders, and pedestrians. Common examples of traffic endangerment include reckless lane changes, aggressive tailgating, and disregard of stop lights and other traffic laws. Racing other vehicles and attempting to get your vehicle airborne also constitute reckless driving charges. 

Contact an Elgin, IL Reckless Driving Lawyer 

With years of experience representing Illinois clients, Attorney Brian J. Mirandola will fight to keep a conviction off your record so you can avoid heavy fines, license suspension or revocation, and even potential jail time. To schedule a free consultation with a Kane County criminal defense attorney, call our team today at 847-488-0889. 


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