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Small-Scale Study Finds Medical Marijuana Program Reducing Opioid Prescriptions
When the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program finally got underway in late 2015, Illinois lawmakers hoped that legalizing marijuana for those with approved medical conditions would have positive results. The main goal of the program was to help such patients alleviate pain and to deal with chronic health problems while reducing the need for highly-addictive opioid prescriptions. A new peer-reviewed study suggests that the pilot program seems to be working.
Limited Study Participants
The limited-scale survey was conducted by researchers at DePaul University and Rush University and included responses from 30 patients currently registered for the Illinois medical marijuana program. The project, while small, is the first peer-reviewed, published study regarding medical marijuana use in Illinois specifically. The study’s authors acknowledge that the survey was not large enough to extrapolate percentages or quantified conclusions, the response received did provide anecdotal support for other studies that suggest medical cannabis may help reduce the use of opioids.
Proposed Illinois Bill Would Allow Students to Use Medical Marijuana at School
Last week, an Illinois House panel called The House Elementary Education Committee unanimously approved legislation which would allow school children to consume medical marijuana in school. The proposed legislation would allow a parent or legal guardian to administer infused medical marijuana on school grounds and in school-owned transportation.
Medical Marijuana Prevents Student’s Seizures
House Bill 4870 was largely influenced by a lawsuit brought by parents of a child who has seizures. The girl suffers from seizures after undergoing chemotherapy treatment, and medical marijuana is the only medication which effectively controls them. The parents sued the school because they were not allowed to change their daughter’s medical marijuana patch or administer medical marijuana oil under her tongue on school grounds. As the law currently stands, a school nurse could lose his or her license if they administered medical marijuana to a student – even if the student has a valid medical marijuana card. Although it is unlikely, the student and her parents could face criminal prosecution for sending the girl to school with a medical marijuana patch. Advocates of the bill say that this is unacceptable.
Experts Suggest Medical Marijuana May Curtail Opioid Abuse Epidemic
Opioid abuse has become a major public health crisis in recent decades. Many individuals become addicted to opioids after being prescribed drugs such as codeine, hydrocodone, OxyContin, or Percocet to manage extreme pain. Opioids are extremely addictive, and when a person continually takes these drugs, they eventually need more and more to feel the same pain-relieving effects. Many people become addicted to pain pills and then end up turning to heroin or fentanyl. Each day, an estimated 155 people lose their lives to opioid overdose. Some experts believe that medical cannabis could be the key to reducing the staggering number of opioid overdose deaths.
Studies Compared States with Legalized Medical Marijuana in States Without Legalized Marijuana
Recently, two studies regarding the medicinal benefits of cannabis were published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. Researchers compared opioid prescription frequency for states which have allowed the legal use of marijuana to those states which have not adopted legalized cannabis. One study analyzed opioid prescriptions covered by Medicare Part D and the other considered opioid prescriptions covered by Medicaid.
Decriminalized Marijuana Leaves Open Questions About Drug Paraphernalia
By now, you probably know that low-level possession of marijuana is no longer a criminal offense in Illinois. The possession of less than 10 grams is a civil offense punishable by a fine of up to $200—similar in most regards to a traffic violation. Illinois, however, has maintained its statute regarding the possession of drug paraphernalia. While the law was amended to account for the new guidelines on marijuana possession, loopholes still exist that could land a person in serious trouble.
What the Law Says
The Illinois Drug Paraphernalia Control Act makes it illegal to possess products, equipment, or materials that are intended to be used in producing, preparing, testing, hiding, or using controlled substances, including marijuana. (Technically, equipment for making methamphetamine is covered under a separate statute but is still illegal.) The drug paraphernalia law covers a wide variety of products, including but not limited to:
Facing Charges of Child Abuse or Child Neglect
Sometimes all it takes for a child abuse investigation to get underway is a phone call from a neighbor. Once an investigation has begun, it is easy for parents to agree to anything that will allow them to try and keep their child in the home. Unfortunately, it is often that instinct that allows parents to have their rights violated.
Two Different Investigations
In the state of Illinois, it is often the Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS) that first gets a report of child abuse or child neglect. Depending on the nature of the allegations or suspicions, DCFS may notify local law enforcement of the reported concerns. In such a situation, the police and DCFS may each be conducting their own separate investigation and sharing relevant information about your case.
While a DCFS investigation is technically a family court issue related to a civil matter, their investigation can still have serious criminal consequences. Anything you say to a welfare worker or agency representative may ultimately be used on your behalf or against you in a criminal trial.
Domestic Battery Charges in Illinois
Domestic battery is considered a serious offense in the state of Illinois, and those who are convicted can face heavy penalties. Even first-time offenders with no previous criminal record can experience permanent effects that impact their daily lives. If you are facing domestic battery charges, understand these potential consequences, and how you can most effectively protect your future.
What Is Domestic Battery?
Illinois state law defines domestic battery as intentionally or knowingly causing bodily harm to another family member, or intentionally provoking or threatening a family member in a way that makes them believe you may cause them bodily harm. This can extend beyond those that live with you and may include:
- Spouses or former spouses;
- Parents;
- Children or stepchildren;
- Current or former roommates;
Allegations of Domestic Violence Can Be Dangerous
Domestic battery is a serious offense in the state of Illinois. It is also an act that can be reported by someone other than your spouse, child, or significant other. Mandatory reporters—those that are required to report acts of domestic violence to the authorities—can be found in schools, doctor’s offices, and hospitals. Thanks to a new law, you will now find potential reporters in the salon as well.
Beauticians and stylists will undergo training to help them learn how to talk to victims of domestic violence. They will not face legal ramifications if they do not report suspected abuse, but they will be encouraged to do so when the situation is appropriate. The goal is to ensure that victims who really need help receive it, but not all people who are reported have actually abused someone. In fact, false allegations of domestic violence and abuse are rather common - more common than most people realize. What might a false reporting mean for you and your family?
Driver’s License Reinstatement After Suspension
If you have been charged with drunk driving, reckless driving, or any other moving violation that resulted in the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license, your day-to-day life is likely to be severely affected. Not only will a person whose driver’s license is suspended need to make alternative travel plans—for him- or herself and for any children he or she may have —but also will need to begin the long process of driver’s license reinstatement. There are several things you should know about this process before you begin that can make it easier and progress more smoothly. The first is that it getting your license back is much easier with the assistance of a qualified legal professional.
Financial Costs
Even working with an attorney, driver’s license reinstatement is a costly process that can also often mean significant time spent wading through bureaucratic red tape. No matter the offense for which the license was suspended, the driver will first be subject to a $250 reinstatement fee paid to the Secretary of State. A portion of this—$30—goes to the Department of Health and Human Services to help cover the cost of alcohol and substance abuse programs for repeat driving offenders. If you are one of these repeat offenders, the fine is doubled to have the license reinstated; that is, if you have had your license suspended before, again, for any reason, not just alcohol-related charges, you will be subject to a $500 reinstatement fee. In this case, $60 of the fee is allocated for drunk and drugged prevention programs.
Driving on a Suspended or Revoked License
Learning that your driving privileges have been suspended or revoked in Illinois can be quite an upsetting occurrence – especially when it is a law enforcement officer who informs you of this fact during the course of a traffic stop. You may have had no idea that your driver’s license was suspended or revoked, yet you may be placed under arrest and charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense (depending on the number of times you have been convicted of driving while your license was suspended or revoked). What is more, restoring your driving privileges can be just as confusing as knowing how to address your criminal charges.
Discovering the Reason for Your Suspension or Revocation in Illinois
A "suspension" is a temporary cancellation of your driving privileges for a specific period of time or until a certain condition is fulfilled. A "revocation" is an indefinite cancellation of your driving privileges that may or may not be reversed.
Driver's License Reinstatement in Illinois
If you are convicted of a criminal offense—especially one related to driving—it is very common that the consequences may include the suspension or revocation of your driver’s license. Some offenses may even bar you from ever getting it back. Depending on the circumstances of the situation, you may be able to apply for its reinstatement, though the process can be complex.
Reasons for Revocation
Many people are surprised when their license is revoked or suspended because it can be done for reasons that have nothing to do with driving. The rationale is that driving is a fundamental privilege that many people take for granted, and taking a person’s license away may wake some people up, so to speak, prompting correct whatever has caused the suspension or revocation.
Some examples of offenses that can lead to your license being revoked or suspended include: