The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola


47 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120


Aurora Driver's License Reinstatement Lawyer

Aurora, Illinois license reinstatement attorney

Trusted Driver's License Reinstatement Lawyer Advocating for Clients in Aurora, Illinois

Recently, Aurora was named one of the safest places to live in the United States. Many residents would agree that it is one of the best Chicago suburbs to live in. While there are some options for public transportation, many residents would also agree that it is a car-dependent area. If you are dealing with a driver's license suspension or revocation, you may have difficulty getting to work, transporting your children to various activities, running errands, or managing other daily tasks. If you have lost your driving privileges, the Aurora driver's license reinstatement attorney at The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola can evaluate your situation and determine what legal action is needed for driver's license reinstatement.

Suspension vs. Revocation

One of the most common reasons why a person may lose their driving privileges in Illinois is a driving under the influence (DUI) conviction. If a person is convicted of a first-offense DUI, one of the penalties for conviction is a one-year suspension of their license. If the conviction is for a second offense, the suspension period is for three years. A suspension temporarily takes away your right to drive. A revocation is much more permanent and difficult to reverse.

If you are convicted of a third-offense DUI, the state will revoke your license for a minimum of 10 years. A fourth conviction results in revocation of your license for the rest of your life.

There are other reasons why Illinois may suspend a person's driver's license, including:

  • Too many traffic violations within the past 12 months
  • Failure to pay traffic violation citations
  • Violating restrictions placed on a graduated driver's license (GDL)
  • Failure to pay child support

Driver's License Reinstatement

DUI Cases

If a license was suspended for DUI, then once that one-year or three-year period has passed, the driver can usually have their license reinstated once they pay the required fees and complete any other penalties the court imposed. In some cases, the driver may be eligible for a Monitoring Device Driving Permit (MDDP) or a Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) before their suspension is up. With an MDDP or RDP, a person will be able to drive while meeting certain requirements and following specific restrictions. The driver must install an ignition interlock device (IID) in any vehicle they drive. An IID measures the blood alcohol content (BAC) of a driver, preventing the vehicle from starting if they have alcohol in their system.

The only way to have your license reinstated after a revocation is to request a license reinstatement hearing. In cases where your license has been revoked due to a DUI conviction, you must have completed a substance abuse treatment program and show that you will not put others at risk if you are allowed to drive again. Given the highly complex nature of these hearings, it is crucial to have an Aurora driver's license reinstatement lawyer arguing your case.

Traffic Violation Cases

Drivers over the age of 21 who are found guilty of three traffic violations during a one-year period could have their license suspended. For drivers who are under the age of 21, their license will be suspended if they have two or more violations during a two-year period. In some situations, your Aurora driver's license reinstatement attorney may request that a conviction be vacated. Once the case is reopened, we can take the steps to resolve the case, remove the conviction, and reinstate your license.

Following a license suspension for failing to pay traffic violation citations, in most cases, paying the fines will allow for license reinstatement. However, there are some cases that are more complex (e.g., the amount of the fine is too high). In these situations, our firm can request a hearing and seek to have a conviction vacated.

Driving After a License Suspension or Revocation

If a driver has had their driving privileges suspended or revoked and is caught driving, they will face additional criminal charges. In most situations, the court will extend the amount of time of license suspension. If you are arrested for driving with a suspended or revoked license, it is critical to call The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola to help address these charges. Once the court issues its sentence and extends the suspension period, it will be too late to mitigate the situation.

Contact Our Aurora, IL Driver's License Reinstatement Lawyer

To learn how The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola can assist you in getting your license reinstated, contact us now by calling 847-488-0889 to arrange a free consultation with an Aurora driver's license reinstatement attorney. We will advise you on the best legal options to help you get behind the wheel again.

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