The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola


47 DuPage Court, Elgin, IL 60120


Geneva Driver's License Reinstatement Lawyer

Geneva, Illinois license reinstatement lawyer

Knowledgeable Driver's License Reinstatement Lawyer Serving Clients in Geneva, IL

The state of Illinois has some of the harshest penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) in the country. Even a first offense will result in the revocation of your license for one year. For a second offense, the revocation period is three years. Many people are overwhelmed at the thought of being unable to drive for one to three years. How will they get to work, get their children to school or other activities, shop for groceries, run errands, and more? If you find yourself in this situation, a Geneva, IL driver's license reinstatement lawyer from The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola can work with you to get your driving privileges reinstated.

Restricted Driving Permit

One option we can discuss is filing a request for a Restricted Driving Permit (RDP). If your license has been suspended or revoked, an RDP will allow you to drive under specific guidelines if you can prove that a hardship exists, such as being unable to get to your job.

If your request is approved, you will be required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) in your vehicle. IIDs measure the blood alcohol content (BAC) in your system. Before the vehicle starts, you will blow into the IID, and as long as your BAC is under 0.025 percent, the vehicle will start. If your BAC is over that amount, the vehicle will not start. An IID can also request that a driver provide a breath sample at random intervals throughout a trip.

The driver is responsible for all costs associated with the IID, including installation and monthly fees.

Monitoring Device Driving Permit

When a driver accepts a driver's license from the state, they provide "implied consent" that if a police officer requests them to submit to BAC testing after being arrested for DUI, the driver must comply. If the driver refuses, his or her driver's license will automatically be suspended based on this implied consent law. This suspension is separate from any criminal penalties the driver may receive. A person can have the criminal charges dismissed or found not guilty, but they still must deal with the implied consent suspension, which is known as a Statutory Summary Suspension.

If the driver meets certain criteria, they may qualify for a monitoring device driving permit (MDDP). The rules and requirements are similar to those for an RDP, including the installation of an IID. However, an MDDP will allow a person to drive at any time and for any purposes, as long as they use an IID.

Revoked Driver's Licenses

If a driver is convicted of DUI for the third time, their license will be revoked for 10 years. A fourth DUI conviction will lead to a lifetime revocation. Although it is possible to have driving privileges reinstated following a revocation, the requirements are even more stringent than those that apply for a license suspension. Not only do you have to prove hardship, but you also need to prove to the state that reinstating your driving privileges would not pose a danger to others.

At The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola, we have extensive experience successfully arguing for the reinstatement of revoked licenses, and we will work with you to help you meet the state's requirements.

Traffic Violations

Many drivers do not realize that there are a number of traffic violations that can result in the suspension of their license. If a driver who is 21 or older gets three of these violations in one year, the state will suspend their license. If the driver is under 21, they will lose their license if they get two violations within two years.

Violations that could affect your driver's license include:

If you have been cited for a traffic violation, we urge you to call our office to help you defend against the citation. Most people automatically pay a ticket instead of fighting it, not realizing that this starts the clock ticking toward a potential license suspension.

If your license has already been suspended, The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola can still help. Depending on the circumstances of the violations, we may be able to file a motion to vacate for one or more of the violations, and we can request a hearing to argue to the court and advocate for the violation to be dismissed and removed from your record. If successful, this will lead to your license being reinstated.

Contact Our Geneva, IL Driver's License Reinstatement Attorney

Not being able to drive can seriously impact your quality of life. Find out how The Law Office of Brian J. Mirandola can help you regain your driving privileges. Contact us at 847-488-0889 to schedule a free and confidential consultation with our Geneva, IL driver's license reinstatement lawyer.

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